In 1978s, people of my Grandpa's village at Central Java love eating fried insects, such as crickets and flying white ant. They like caterpillar too, especially that live in teak wood (Pohon Jati). As a kid, I enjoyed eating them. Fried flying white ant was my favourite. It's taste so delicious. But eating fried crickets was more fascinating. Because we fried crickets that I catched by myself. Yup, I loved hunting crickets in the field when I was kid.
Cricket fighting was my hobby. I hunted them in the night when they slept under the trunk of banana plants. The red-crickets was my champion. He usually won the fight. But if we didn't find him, and only found small crickets, we catched and fried them.
It was 30 year ago. It was just a children naughtiness. I never eat fried crickets anymore. I think people in my Grandpa's village don't eat fried insects anymore. And I was shocking when I met many fried crickets seller at Cambodia market. Oh my gosh...they still eating insects!
See more photos of Cambodian street food here
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